Friday, January 21, 2011

Busy, busy, busy !

*In school*
When I arrived school,
I realized that I forgot to finish my Mathematics homework.
So, I took it out from my bag.
As soon as I start, the class monitor asked me to wipe the window.
But I did not do as what he says :D
I just continue with my work.

During recess, I need to go and find Eileen at 4E3 to give her the Chinese Club Valentines' List back.
Then, on the way going down from block C, I saw Tham, Desmond, Franke and so on.
I thought Raphael was with one of them, but NO! 
I walked passed the school toilet and I was feeling so down because I didn't get the chance to see Raphael.
But then, a miracle happened. <---- as if..haha.
Who knows, Raphael was taking laksa soup.
I saw him and innocently walked behind him.
After that, I walked to the staff room to pass up my PJK exercise book.
Lastly, I need to buy food at the canteen as I was really hungry.

*School Ends*
I totally forgot that Raphael was in the Science Lab, 2 periods before school ends.
So, I keep looking upstairs to see him when school ended.
Unfortunately, there was no sign of him.
But, I saw Chan Yik Khan.
That's for sure. xD

Maybe my story is not logically. It's because I only write what's on my mind and quickly skip it..haha


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